Environmental Technologies & Solutions
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All of Osorno's systems come from long-term research and development. We are a process-oriented company focused on process design and selecting the right equipment for optimal performance. At Osorno, we believe the key aspect to any scientific project is making use of proper equipment. One example of this is our BioCompact® line of wastewater treatment systems.

We also offer the systems shown below.

Osorno Systems

Osorno’s technologies and process engineering requires specialized equipment. We only install equipment that has a proven track record.

The equipment that Osorno provides has been developed within our own laboratories, tested in pilot installations, and installed at numerous sites. We maintain a close working relationship with third-party manufacturers. 

Our electronic laboratory equipment follow the philosophy of Intelligent controls and each piece of equipment can communicate through the Internet (TCP/IP).

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Contact Us
Osorno Enterprises Inc.
976 Elgin Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3E 1B4

+1 204 488-1538 (Phone)
+1 204 488-1566 (Fax)
+1 204 294-1539 (Emergency)
Hours of Operation

We are closed on December 24 - 28, 2020 and
December 31, 2020 - January 4, 2021
Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 17:00
Saturday - Sunday:  CLOSED

Osorno will be closed for the holidays from December 25-27, and December 31 to January 1.
In case of EMERGENCY please call (204) 294-1539.

© Osorno Enterprises Inc.