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White Paper: Preventing Hospital Acquired Infections from Tap Water

A variety of micro-organisms flow through water distribution systems in healthcare facilities, including bacteria, protozoans, and fungi. These pathogens can contaminate cleaning solutions, disinfectants, and antiseptics.

Pathogens that do not pose a significant threat to the general population can still cause hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) among patients with compromised immune systems, or leave them with other conditions that make them more vulnerable to infection.

Treating hospital tap water is necessary in order to control HAIs.

Our white paper Preventing Hospital Acquired Infections from Tap Water summarizes relevant literature on the impact of pathogens in hospital water supplies.

Download this free white paper to learn:

  • How your hospital can reduce the rate of infection from water-borne micro-organisms.
  • Proven water treatment alternatives to chlorine that offer significant advantages.
  • How to implement a water safety plan for a hospital, minimizing the risks associated with water-borne micro-organisms.

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