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Water Treatment

Proper water treatment is essential to both human and environmental health. It is necessary for the sake of sustainability, as water is a renewable resource that is cycled through.  
Any process that produces water must produce water that will comply with the right standards (e.g. Standards of WHO, etc.). These standards are set in place to ensure that the water is safe for its intended purpose and does not bring harm to the environment. 
Water is a renewable resource, but extracting fresh water has limitations. We offer water treatment solutions for a variety of applications. Please read below some examples of our water treatment applications.

Typical Water Treatment Applications

  • Residential Treatment: Removing unwanted elements and contaminants from untreated well or surface water. Drinking water must comply with required standards (e.g. Canadian Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality or Water Standards of the World Health Organization).
  • Demineralization/Desalination: This is important for when water composition is so complex that treatment by conventional methods is inefficient or not possible. Reverse osmosis is often the only option for supplying communities and industry with potable water in areas where water is laden with minerals, brackish, or is saline.
  • Industrial Treatment: Water must have certain properties to ensure that manufacturing is efficient and that products comply with quality standards. Industrial water processing can begin with filtration and end with reverse osmosis.
  • Cooling Tower Water: Cooling towers need special conditioning to optimize operation and prevent corrosion. Specialty chemicals serve to condition cooling towers for optimal use.
  • Boiler Water: Boilers require protection from scaling and corrosion. One day of lost production can cost more than one year's worth of chemical treatment.
  • Marine Water: A marine vessel operates as a system where water may be reused. Potable water, wastewater, and ballast water all require treatment.
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Contact Us
Osorno Enterprises Inc.
976 Elgin Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3E 1B4

+1 204 488-1538 (Phone)
+1 204 488-1566 (Fax)
+1 204 294-1539 (Emergency)
Hours of Operation

We are closed on December 24 - 28, 2020 and
December 31, 2020 - January 4, 2021
Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 17:00
Saturday - Sunday:  CLOSED

Osorno will be closed for the holidays from December 25-27, and December 31 to January 1.
In case of EMERGENCY please call (204) 294-1539.

© Osorno Enterprises Inc.